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Maine-ly Chews

Maine-ly Chews
Dec 22, 20201 min read
Bob Marley has our Antlers!
If you don't know who Bob Marley is, google him or look for him on Facebook. He's hilarious!! Does this mean we've made it to the big...
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Maine-ly Chews
Dec 21, 20201 min read
First Antler of the Season 2020
There is nothing more exciting than finding the first antler of the shed season!! It's better than Christmas! I was so excited when I...
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Maine-ly Chews
Oct 31, 20201 min read
Jozee's First Deer
Deer hunting with young kids is all about comfort, iPad, smiles, and fun. It was like Christmas morning for Jozee, she couldn't wait to...
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Maine-ly Chews
Oct 1, 20202 min read
Grouse, grouse, goose
Gracie and I had the opportunity to crawl through the woods to shoot geese today. Their incredible eye sight, turned us into belly...
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Maine-ly Chews
Sep 14, 20201 min read
150 antler season
Every year we find an average of 120 to 150 antlers. This is how we get fresh, grade A, quality chews for your dogs. This is a picture...
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Maine-ly Chews
Sep 11, 20201 min read
Fall trout
It's that time of year, the colors of the trees reminds you of skittles, the air is cold and crisp at night, and the trout are hungry. ...
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Maine-ly Chews
Sep 2, 20201 min read
Bear Hunting (baiting)
Our 13 year old daughter wants to have the experience of a bear hunt. Stu and I flipped a coin to decide who was the lucky parent to sit...
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Maine-ly Chews
Jun 25, 20201 min read
A HUGE set a year later
Antler hunters have their favorite spots they check every year. It's the perfect moose yard, with plenty of feed for the moose during...
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Maine-ly Chews
May 22, 20201 min read
Maine-ly Campfire Games
Is it "normal" to make up your own campfire games? Honestly I truly appreciate such creativity!! Stu decided to put a crate on top of a...
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Maine-ly Chews
Apr 4, 20201 min read
Flying drones
Seems everybody is picking up new hobbies recently. We also think it's a good time to practice old hobbies. We charged up our batteries...
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Maine-ly Chews
Mar 23, 20201 min read
Shooting the AR
In these days of uncertainty, we all need to get outside and get some fresh air. It's probably easier to do in rural areas, like where...
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Maine-ly Chews
Jan 27, 20201 min read
Finding Sheds
We're not talking about shopping on the weekend for a box to hold your firewood or lawn mower. And we're not talking about a "she shed"...
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Maine-ly Chews
Jan 25, 20201 min read
World of Pets Expo 2020
We're so excited to attend this amazing event in Timonium/Lutherville Maryland! This is our first year and we've sponsored Chesapeake...
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Maine-ly Chews
Oct 3, 20191 min read
Maine-ly Moose
Stu and I really enjoy calling moose, in the fall. We love to hear the bulls respond and there's nothing like the sound of cows bellowing...
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Maine-ly Chews
Sep 30, 20191 min read
Maine-ly Dilly Beans
A favorite in our family is pickled dilly beans. Our garden produced a sink full of beans this year and we were able to get 8 full jars...
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Maine-ly Chews
Sep 12, 20191 min read
Maine-ly Trout
Stu and I found a stream that ran fresh cold water into the pond and sure enough the fish were feeding in this spot. First cast into...
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Maine-ly Chews
Sep 12, 20191 min read
Maine-ly Fishing
Brook trout and salmon are all starting to spawn. If you're lucky enough to find an area where this is happening, the site is quite...
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Maine-ly Chews
Sep 12, 20191 min read
Maine-ly Everything
Our family does Maine-ly everything in the outdoors in the great state of Maine. We enjoy hunting, fishing, kayaking, skiing, jeeping,...
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